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Ministry of Culture

Electronic Services

Discover the vibrant journey of the Ministry of Culture, where every chapter is a celebration of Jordan’s rich heritage and artistic blossoming! From its inception, this remarkable institution has been a beacon of education, fostering an Arab culture that embraces the broader human experience.

Join us as we explore the enchanting origins that date back to the founding of the Jordanian state, led by the visionary His Highness Prince Abdullah. A true lover of literature and poetry, he transformed his court into a dynamic cultural haven, sparking creativity and dialogue that still resonates today.

Experience the joy of cultural evolution as we delve into milestones that have shaped our identity. The Ministry nurtures artists, supports literary endeavors, and celebrates our diverse traditions — all while fostering an environment where creativity thrives!

Let’s come together to honor and promote this vibrant tapestry of culture. Dive into our rich history with us today; celebrate your connection to Jordan’s incredible cultural legacy!

Working Hours:

Sunday8:30 am 3:30 pm
Monday8:30 am 3:30 pm
Tuesday8:30 am 3:30 pm
Wednesday8:30 am 3:30 pm
Thursday8:30 am 3:30 pm