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Ministry of Health


Ministry Of Health

Discover the vibrant history of the health sector in Jordan during the Transjordan Era with “Ministry of Health.” This captivating exploration takes you on a joyful journey through the remarkable developments from 1921 to 1946, a time that laid the foundation for modern healthcare in Jordan.

✨ **Key Highlights:**

– Meet Mr. Math’har Basha Arasalan, the first health consultant in Jordan, who stepped onto the scene in 1921, marking a significant milestone!

– Celebrate the establishment of Jordan’s first public hospital that same year, starting its noble journey with just 20 beds.

– Jump into 1925 when Dr. Haleen Abu Rahmeh opened doors to regulatory innovation with the first department to oversee health sectors—an achievement that set standards for years to come!

– Relish in the fact that it was also in 1923 when Transjordan introduced its very first health law, paving the way for better medical practices.

– Join us as we recall key milestones like the inception of hospitals and pharmacies and laws aimed at fighting diseases like malaria!

Throughout these years, despite challenges faced from regional conflicts, this era blossomed with determination and progress. By 1927 alone, strides were made as more healthcare professionals entered the field and hospital capacities expanded significantly.

Dive into this joyful chronicle of resilience and success! “Ministry of Health” is more than just a book; it’s an inspiration that showcases how far we’ve come. Grab your copy today and celebrate Jordan’s healthcare journey! 🎉📖

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